YEAR 9 WEEK 10 TERM 1 2020

Year 9 Week 10 Term 1 2020

Hero Image

We’ve arrived at the finish line of what has been one of the weirdest and most challenging terms in memory. It has, however, been good to see so many boys getting stuck in with vigour to their new online learning classes. It’s also exciting to see some of the ways teachers have been augmenting their teaching with technology and I hope that boys have engaged in the valuable learning experiences that have been ongoing. 

We are hoping boys will continue to think of creative ways they might be able to complete Good Hours at this time. Maybe that takes the form of walking an elderly neighbour’s dog, or dropping off some groceries to a relative in isolation, or helping mow someone’s lawn - there are plenty of safe and responsible ways we can be helping those in our community who are finding it a little tougher than we are right now. 

This week in our online Year Meeting we returned to our Virile Agitur Man leadership presentations. Mr Gazzard shared a video presentation on Kelly Slater and his leadership in the development of sustainable surfing products as an effort to better care for our environment. 

We also revealed the winner of the first Brain Break challenge. I encourage boys to get involved with some of the online content that is being shared with them and to contribute to some of the challenges and competitions when they can. This can be a fun way to stay in touch with their wider group of peers, and maintain a social and community connection to the School. Mr Milligan and I have thrown down a holiday ‘Virile Air Guitar’ challenge and shared some top tips for what boys can do in their spare time to get some time away from their screens.

Please check in with your sons to make sure they know exactly what they are doing to access class content. It is important that they know where to look for instructions and are being proactive in their learning in this new setting. Without a teacher peering over their shoulder it can be easier for boys to fall behind. Please encourage your sons to reach out if they need extra help.

I hope all families enjoy a well-earned break to recharge their batteries.

Alec Openshaw



We have finally reached the end of term and it is usually one where I eagerly wait for the boys to distribute Easter eggs on their last day of term before the break. It feels very weird not adhering to this SAO and student tradition this time around but it is for the better good of all but it still leaves a big hole in my heart not to see the students daily or hear the hustle and bustle on the school grounds. We should take the time to give ourselves a pat on the back for getting through Term 1 as this has been one very testing one for all of us where we have all adapted to our new normal spectacularly. 

Absence Notifications

I just want to thank all of you regarding attendance and for making sure your son is doing the right thing when turning in his attendance. It seems we are all getting the hang of things now and know what to do. If you are still unsure please refer to this document for a better understanding.

Uniform Shop

Just a reminder that the Uniform shop is closed until further notice. If parents wish to order items online, this can be done via Flexischools and there will be an option to collect the orders. The dates for this will be advised on the Knox app in the next few days depending on the volume of orders.

Knox Remote Learning Hub

We have established a new ‘Remote Learning Hub’ to provide students and parents with access to Frequently Asked Questions, videos, documents and resources during our period of online and remote learning. Any feedback or suggestions about the site can be given by clicking the link on the home page.

Finally, it is high time for the boys to put their books, laptops, pens and pencils away and to take the time to enjoy their Easter Break. Let’s all make it a must to spend quality time with our loved ones during this break and to help each other during these tumultuous times. Don’t forget that at this point in time all students are due back for Term 2 on Tuesday 28 April in their winter school uniform, please keep an eye out for an update from our Headmaster. I wish all of you participating in the 21 Day challenge good luck and I am very much looking forward to rediscovering my crochet skills and getting a scarf completed by the end of it.

Stay safe and well.

Crystel Hodgson, Tel: 9119 0881


Friday 3 April

Term 1 concludes

Friday 10 April

Good Friday 

Sunday 12 April


Tuesday 28 April

Term 2 commences


A journey of firsts!

Our cohort has been one of the luckiest cohorts yet as they have had the opportunity to be the first to enjoy the Junior Academy building last year and this year they were one of the first to move into the Middle Academy building as well as enjoy the locker space.


Let's travel back in time and enjoy the photos of when the boys discovered those spaces.






The Wellbeing team continues to be available to students and parents next week and scheduled appointments are available for remote counselling. Please email or phone 9119 0828 should you wish to make an appointment or ask questions. 

Additionally, the service providers listed below are always available for further mental health support should you need it.






Katelyn Tasker