YEAR 7 WEEK 6 TERM 4 2020

Year 7 Week 6 Term 4 2020

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Stage 4 - Junior Academy


Throughout this year there have been many obvious, and in some cases less obvious, changes to the boys of Year 7. Many have moved through a growth spurt physically and some have learned ways to navigate themselves through challenging social-emotions issues. All the while parents are on the sideline, or at times even in the middle of the field, to add support and advice to their son. Recently we were fortunate to have Dr Andrew Campbell visit Knox. Dr Andrew Campbell has been researching and teaching in the area of e-Mental Health and Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health for more than a decade. He is currently a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Health Sciences, and the Co-Director of the Bachelor of Health Sciences. At the School’s request Andrew has provided a presentation to parents on effective strategies that can be employed by parents across a range of teenager issues and within a range of contexts. As a parent, I know that many of the strategies mentioned I routinely use with my own children; however, I have found new and additional strategies as a result of listening to Dr Campbell’s advice. I commend to you this presentation and hope you find it useful as you manoeuvre your son through adolescence.

I strongly encourage all parents who have not yet completed the Year 7 online Parent Survey. to please do so by Monday 30 November. Details on how this survey is conducted is set out here. It is through the valued responses of parents and that of students in surveys such as this that we are able to fine tune our programs to deliver best practice.

Wayne Inwood

The end of Week 6 brings an end to the boys' first Senior School Examination block. Clare and I are incredibly proud of how the boys have conducted themselves during this period. We hope that the boys have had the opportunity to experiment with study techniques to begin to refine their study habits and set themselves up for continued success. Despite examinations being completed, there is a certain energy around the campus as we approach the summer holidays and we encourage the boys to see the year out in a positive manner. Next week, the boys will hear all about their Year 8 Camp in early Term 1.We know that camp can bring mixed feelings for some; however, this is a wonderful opportunity for the boys to further develop their friendships and explore activities that may sit outside their comfort zone.

Also next week, the boys will also participate in a cultural immersion day. This day will tie in nicely with the recent NAIDOC week and we hope that the boys approach the activities with maturity and an open mind.

As the weather has warmed up, we are seeing the emergence of refreshing confectionary items during break time. Whilst the odd ice-cream/block, chocolate milk, and ice-tea are satisfying, it provides a timely reminder about the importance of energy-sustaining foods. Foods high in sugar provide momentary energy which quickly results in energy crashes and cravings. This source of fuel does not lend itself well to productive learning and we encourage the boys to evaluate their lunchboxes and canteen choices with you as parents. “Good nutrition creates good health in all areas of our existence. All parts are interconnected,” said Biochemist Collin Campbell.

Our Mentor Representatives have been hard at work brainstorming with their peers for ways in which our cohort can continue to break down the stigma associated with seeking help for mental health issues. Some simple things that can be done on a regular basis to assist in breaking down this stigma can include:

• Listening to and supporting those who are experiencing difficulties.
• Remaining judgement free.
• Recognising how a person is feeling and offering assistance.
• Reaffirming to the person that mental health is a continuum and it is normal to experience ups and downs.

In recent Year Meetings, we have commenced a ‘shout out’ segment in which we recognise boys’ achievements (both in and out of school, big and small). We are delighted with the many boys who have featured already in this segment and look forward to sharing more achievements.

Lenore Kennedy

Boys, with examinations now over for the year, it's time to take a big deep breath and give yourselves a pat on the back. With the year drawing to a close soon, I ask you to come to lost property if you are missing any items. I would dearly love to have the items I have, returned to their owner prior to the summer break. 

Lachlan Lollback spoke at Year Meeting about the donations of long-life food items or gifts for our chosen charities through the Uniting Church Families projects and STARTTS. There is still time to donate if you are able to do so. Items are being collected by me and Mrs Clarke (Room 15). The students were also spoken to about the importance of sun safety and melanoma by Years 9 and 10 students Sam Stone and Brin Yeowell. 

If you have some time over the weekend, I would encourage you to look at the official photos from the recent Year 7 House Activity Day to check out all the fun the boys had! These are available on the Knox portal under 'Photos'. 

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Bec Mitchelson Ph: 9119 0885

Stage 4 - Junior Academy


Yearly Examinations and Reports
Yearly Examinations are now completed. Examination papers will be returned to students and marks finalised by early next week. You will be able to view your son’s Semester 2 reports in Parent Lounge in the last week of term. Class placements and language choice confirmation for 2021 will be emailed to you after reports have been published online. You will then be able to order the appropriate textbooks.

Progressive Achievement Testing (PAT) for Year 7 students
Knox utilises the ACER Progressive Achievement Testing (PAT) data to compare our boys against the state and national standards; moreover, it helps inform us about what topics our boys are particularly successful at and where we may find areas of opportunity in our teaching and learning programs. Please note: PAT testing results are not published and your son’s performance does not impact his academic reports nor his class placement for Year 8.

All Year 7 students will complete the PAT tests for Reading, Writing, and Numeracy next week during one of their Science, English and Mathematics lessons. These three tests provide powerful data that (combined with our internal assessment program) assist with student tracking and year level academic interventions.

Your son will be emailed specific details about his test sessions; a fully charged laptop will be required for all three tests as they are administered electronically. Moreover, for the numeracy test, your son will need a calculator in addition to his laptop.

Further information regarding PAT can be found at this website.

Janelle Charlton

Body confident children and teens - free webinar for parents
Historically, research in the area of body image and eating disorders has focussed primarily on females. However, a quarter to a third of those struggling with an eating disorder are believed to be male. Additionally, disordered eating behaviors are increasing faster in males than females.

The truth is that body image issues affect people of all ages, genders and across all cultures and so it is important as parents and carers to aim to establish environments that support healthy eating habits and body image.

The Butterfly Foundation is the national charity for Australians impacted by eating disorders and body image issues, and for the families, friends and communities who support them. In conjunction with the Sydney North Health Network, Butterfly are offering a free webinar for parents on this important topic, titled ‘Body Confident Children and Teens’.

With a focus on prevention, this session provides information and practical tips to help parents and carers of children and teenagers better understand and promote positive body image and healthy relationships with food and physical activity in the home.

The webinar is being offered via Zoom on Thursday 26 November at 7pm. To register, click here.

Body Confident Children and Teens flyer

Some additional helpful reading in this area can also be found at the following links:


Tuesday 24 November

Ride with Richter Cap Day

Cultural Immersion Day

Thursday 3 December 

Presentation Day 

Term 4 concludes


Process for Sports fixtures - Saturday 21 November


Each school has a different policy with regards to the number of spectators, so it will be important to carefully read the information below.

1. Check the team list to see your son’s team - see the Knox app (download instructions)
2. Check the sports draw to see where and when your son’s team is playing – check the Knox app
3. Is he playing at a Knox Grammar School venue? If yes:

• 2 spectator parents/guardians per player at our outdoor venues
• 1 spectator parent guardian per player at our indoor venues
• QR code registration will be in place across all facilities at entry points, with standard health checks and questions
• Players in all teams should turn up ready to play - no change rooms will be available
• Canteens will be closed. Players should bring their own labelled water bottles and snacks if required
• Players should leave immediately after completion of their fixture
• Teams due to play in Great Hall, MacNeil and Lawson court will need to wait on Boulevard until they may enter the facility. This will depend on finish time of previous fixture
• Water Polo players will need to wait in JAPAC rec area for clearance to enter the pool area
• Standard 1.5m social distancing for all spectators

4. Is your son playing away? Which school is he playing against?

Cranbrook School
• Indoor venues – 1 spectator parent/guardian per player
• Outdoor venues - 2 spectator parent/guardian per player

St Aloysius’ College
• Indoor venues – 1 spectator parent/guardian per player
• Outdoor venues - 2 spectator parent/guardian per player

Newington College
• Indoor venues – 1 spectator parent/guardian per player

Please ensure you follow social distancing guidelines at all times and leave immediately after your son’s game. As always, any sports cancellations due to wet weather will be announced via the Knox app (make sure you have subscribed to alerts for your son’s summer sport).

If you have any questions, please email the Sports and Aquatic Academy here.

Thank you and best wishes to all our students this weekend.

Martin Haywood, Head of Knox Sports and Aquatic Academy

Senior School Presentation Day


Knox Senior School Presentation Day

Senior School 7-11 Presentation Day will be held on Thursday 3 December in the Great Hall, Senior School. Senior School Presentation Day will be structured into three separate events:

• Year 11 - 11am-12pm
• Years 9-10 - 12.30pm-1.30pm
Years 7-8 - 2pm-3pm

Students will be dismissed at the conclusion of their Academy Presentation Day ceremony. Knox buses will run at 1.45pm for Years 9-11 students and at 3.30pm for Years 7-8 students.

All Senior School students are expected to attend on Thursday 3 December. Due to COVID-19 protocols and indoor venue capacity limits, we will only be able to welcome parents of prize recipients on-site. However, the service will be live streamed. The parents of prize recipients will be sent an invite to attend their relevant Presentation Day ceremony no later than Friday 27 November (prize recipients can only be finalised once exam marks have been collated). Parents of prize recipients will be required to pre-register to attend and register by QR on arrival.

If you have any questions about Senior School Presentation Day, please email Zsa-Zsa Monardo (Senior School).

Social Justice

The National Recycling Challenge
This week we launch the National Recycling Challenge for all year groups. The goal is to improve the use of our yellow recycling bins and the challenge is to see which stage recycles the greatest volume. There is a poster competition and all boys are invited to participate. Posters will be displayed at Year Meetings in Week 8 and a winner announced for each year group.

Why is recycling so important? The dirty truth behind our trash

Donations of Rugby or Football shoes are still being sought for an outback community. We are also seeking shoes to donate to a school in the Philippines for children who would otherwise be unable to attend school. Please send in all your generous donations to me or to Mrs Clarke in Room 15. 

The Ultimate Shopping Guide - Kids Football Boots | Life Style Sports

Mckenzie Library News

Future Events
The Magazine Giveaway is happening in Week 8. Please come to the library to take advantage of this opportunity to top up your magazine collection. Lots of titles are here for your selection and collection, including 'National Geographic', 'Science Illustrated' and more.

New Reads are available for you to borrow from the Fiction section and include;
'Sword in the Stars' by Amy Rose Capetta and Cori McCarthy
'The Great Unknowable End' by Kathryn Ormsbee
'The Survivors' by Jane Harper
'Tom Clancy’s Firing Point' by Mike Madden

Non-fiction books
Do you like reading factual information? Do you have a hobby or a particular interest? Non-fiction books are plentiful and remember you are most welcome to borrow these with titles ranging from Mathematics, Science and Psychology all the way through to History.

Holiday Borrowing
You are welcome to borrow for the school holidays. Books will be dated to return the first week of Term 1 2021.

Returning Books
Have you received an overdue reminder? Do you need more time to read your selected book? Just come along and speak to the staff in the library or email us to extend your loan.

Enjoy your reading.


Sally Thomson

Year Meeting