YEAR 7 WEEK 5 TERM 1 2020

Year 7 Week 5 Term 1 2020

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Alert - Pertussis (Whooping Cough)


Dear Parents 


It has been reported that we have one case of a student with Whooping Cough in Year 9. The student is recovering at home. Should your son experience persistent bouts of coughing please keep him home from school and seek medical advice before he returns.

The text below includes information about pertussis and a link to the NSW Health pertussis fact sheet.


What are the symptoms?

In vaccinated cases pertussis may present as a very mild illness with very few symptoms, for example a mild cough at night.

Some cases may have a more typical presentation including a persistent cough that comes in bouts. Bouts may be followed by vomiting and a whooping sound as the child gasps for air. Pertussis can cause a severe illness in young children particularly those aged under 6 months.

How is it spread?

Pertussis is usually spread by direct contact with the droplets from the nose and throat of an infected person produced whilst coughing. People at greatest risk of getting the illness are those who have had a considerable amount of face-to-face contact with a person with the disease. Pertussis can occur in people previously vaccinated.

What should parents do?

Anyone developing symptoms should consult their local doctor and mention that there has been a case of pertussis at the school. Children who are diagnosed with pertussis cough need to stay away from school until they have taken 5 days of a special antibiotic.


For further information please refer to the NSW Health pertussis factsheet (available from  or contact the Northern Sydney Public Health Unit on 9477 9187.


Knox Junior Academy - Stage 4


In the Knoxonian this week the Headmaster described how setbacks in life are inevitable, but we can choose to see them as positive lessons instead of demoralising failures. A similar message is on a poster in the Junior Academy Lounge; ‘Your last mistake is your best teacher’. As we guide and support our boys to become independent young men it is worth remembering they will learn valuable life lessons by making a mistake. I encourage parents to consider the merit of allowing their son to learn from the consequences of forgetting equipment, clothing or even recess and lunch. Rather than rushing to their aid and bringing the forgotten item to school for them think on whether they can actually survive the day without it. You will find that on virtually all occasions boys will be able to successfully navigate their way through the school day while perhaps learning the merits of better organisation in the future. For those students who do forget recess or lunch boys there is always the option of accessing the Junior Academy canteen. Please see your SAO, who will supply a lunch coupon to use at the canteen. These funds will later be debited from your account. When it is critical for you to drop an item to school please bring it to the desk of the Student Administration Officer. For Year 7 and Year 8 these offices are located in front of the Years 7-10 locker facility, opposite the steps leading up to the Great Hall.

Wayne Inwood

Year 7 were asked to return their Classroom Values and Learner Protocols document this week. On this agreement, it required a signature from the student, you as their parent/guardian and lastly their Mentor. The reason for all three signatures is because each equally share an influence in the development of these young men. This agreement highlights Knox’s core values and the characteristics of a good learner. Mentors have held many meaningful discussions around the Classroom Values and Learner Protocols so that our students understand the merit of this document. If you haven’t already had a conversation regarding this document, please do so, as there is a really valuable opportunity for a discussion at home on what makes a good learner.

Day by day Ms Kennedy and I are finding that we are instructing fewer and fewer boys to pull up socks and tuck in shirts as they begin to feel more comfortable in looking like Knox men. They are also improving their punctuality to lessons and events such as Year Meeting, Chapel. We will continue to hold the boys to a high standard as lessons not only reflects the Classroom Values and Learner Protocols and also help our boys become better, more disciplined students.

We have some big events coming up in the next few weeks. In Week 7, the Year 7 Parent Teacher Student conference will be an opportunity for you to gauge your son’s progress in his academic classes in the Senior School. The boys are encouraged to attend each of their conferences so they can begin to navigate and take charge of their own learning. The CAS Swimming and Diving event is a fantastic introduction into being a part of the culture and community at Knox. It is one of the many events where the boys show pride for our school by coming together to celebrate the talents within our school. I know that the Year 7 swimmers and divers are all keen on making their mark at their first CAS event and will love having their peers cheer them on. In Week 9 our boys will be on Year 7 Camp and many are already showing their eagerness to be involved in this event. 


Clare Yuan

We are getting close to the halfway mark of Term 1, and I am very impressed with how seamlessly the boys have settled in to the routine of Senior School.  With Camp, Parent/Student/Teacher night and assessments on the horizon the boys have much to be excited about.  

CAS swimming on Thursday 12 March will be a great whole school event and all Year 7 boys are invited to attend should they wish to. Knox have won the last two years and what an atmosphere it would be to make it a hat-trick! 

Vaccinations are happening on Tuesday 3 March. Please remember vaccination forms are to be returned by Monday at the latest. 

Happy Fri-yay!



 Bec Mitchelson, Tel: 9119 0885

Parent/Student/Teacher Evening


Parent/Student/Teacher evening is taking place on Monday 9 March. You should have received an email from me today with details about how to access the Parent Teacher Online (PTO) booking system. If you have not received this email, please contact Mrs Marita Tyler 

Bookings for appointments will open at 8am on Monday 2 March. It is not necessary for you to meet with all of your son’s teachers, unless you wish to do so. Your son should attend the evening with you, if possible, and should wear school uniform.


Could I just remind you that the meetings are designed to be a starting point for ongoing dialogue between students, teachers and parents? There will be limited performance data available to be shared with you at this early stage of the year. Please be aware that you will receive a Term report with available data in Week 10 this term.


I will be in attendance for the Parent/Teacher evening. Please do come and see me if you would like to discuss any particular issue concerning your son’s academic story or progress.


Janelle Charlton


Monday 2 March

Battle of the Bands - Heats

Tuesday 3 March 

Year 7 Vaccinations

Tuesday 3 March 

Knox Annual International Women's Day Breakfast

Monday 9 March

Year 7 Parent/Student/Teacher Night

Thursday 12 March

CAS Swim & Dive Championship

Sunday 15 March

Kuringgai Chase Fun Run

Monday 23 - Friday 27 March

Year 7 Camp

Thursday 9 April

Term 1 concludes

Tuesday 28 April

Term 2 commences



Parent Notice

Please see attached important information regarding the 2020 Student Residential Address and Other Information notice

Knox Theatre Ensemble

Knox Theatre Ensemble presents ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’

When: Thursday 19 – Saturday 21 March 2020, 7.30pm
Where: Drama Theatre, Junior Academy and Performing Arts Centre, Senior School
Cost: $20 per ticket (limited tickets)


Big Science Competition 2020

The Science Department is organising participation in the Big Science Competition this year. An email was sent to all parents and students at the start of the week with relevant information attached. 

The Big Science Competition is mandatory for all Years 7 - 10 da Vinci Science students. Any students who are in a Year 7 - 10 Core class and wishes to participate in this competition is required to self-nominate.

All parents must accept their son’s participation in this competition through Parent Lounge via the School Portal by Friday 31 March.


Knox Annual International Women’s Day Breakfast 2020

The Knox Annual International Women’s Day Breakfast.  Tuesday 3 March in the Great Hall Foyer 7am-8.15am.

Our Guest Speaker will be Sallianne McClelland who is the Development Director Women's Community Shelters and founder of ‘Mobilising for Mogo’

This is a parent and son event!

$20pp (includes a light breakfast)

Go to the Knox Payment Portal and click on ‘other activities’ and scroll down to the International Women’s Day Breakfast.

Red Earth Cape York Opportunity

      A Year 7 cultural experience.

     Please click on the links below for more information. Contact Ms Helen Clarke for more information.

     Cape York - Red Earth Immersion Information

     Cape York Cultural Trip - Expression of Interest

Kuringgai Chase Fun Run

Kuringgai Chase Fun Run - Sunday 15 March 2020

An event open to all students who would like to show support for athletes taking part and help raise awareness for Special Olympics Australia, Sydney Upper North Shore Region. 

Worlds Greatest Shave

Knox’s World’s Greatest Shave Tuesday 10 March

Sign up!

Support the Knox Grammar School Team!

Our annual participation in the Worlds Greatest Shave is on again. Join the Knox Grammar School Team!  Encourage your son to participate and register on the following link:

The Social Justice Prefects and speakers from the World’s Greatest Shave will present at Year Assembly over the coming weeks. Last year we raised $20K- in 2020 we are aiming for $25K! 

On 10 March the Knox Teams top fundraisers will have their head ‘shaved’ during the lunch period.

Boys must remember that cuts are to be in line with the School’s regulation cut!

Do you want to be a rugby referee?

Calling all rugby enthusiasts!

We are recruiting for new members to be involved with the Knox Rugby Referee’s Association for 2020.

We will provide you with training and support for whatever level of rugby with which you are comfortable.

Whether you are a parent, old boy, sibling or interested party, we would love to have you as part of our team.


Please email Mr Craig Milligan (Rugby Referees Coordinator) or contact him on 94870166 for more information.

Knox Uniform Shop

Winter uniform
As we approach the halfway mark of the first term we would like to remind all parents that Term 2 changes over into winter uniform. For further information on what the changes are, please refer to the Uniform Policy which is available on the Knox portal here. We strongly recommend purchasing the winter uniform earlier rather than later. Do not wait until the last week of the holidays as we cannot guarantee the sizes that will be available.

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Doing da Vinci Day

Year 7's working in teams at the 'Doing da Vinci Day' on Thursday.