YEAR 12 WEEK 10 TERM 1 2020

Year 12 Week 10 Term 1 2020

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The Class of 2020 will never forget Term 1. The term started with significant challenges, especially for our boarding community. Rural and regional families have had to respond to ongoing drought and the devastating bushfires and many of our international boys started the term by learning online. It has been unbelievable to observe the resilience of all the boys.

As a year group, we introduced the concept of BEAM. Being inclusive, enjoying school, attaining personal/collective goals and maintaining perspective has taken on a new significance. It should act as a reminder to the boys that our community will emerge from this situation much stronger. Mr Weeding and Mr Nunan’s focus on social-learning and collaboration can still be at the forefront of the boys’ minds, especially as they master the online world of learning.

Despite the obstacles during the term, Year 12 have still engaged in so many valuable experiences, not limited to the Netball game against Pymble Ladies College, celebrating International Women’s Day and engaging in critical discussions about the role of young men in our society and raising $27,000 for the Leukemia Foundation through the World’s Greatest Shave. The sporting achievements have also been a highlight, culminating in winning CAS Swimming, led superbly by Angus Menzies.

Credit is due to the Year 12 Prefect body who have continued to connect the School through several fantastic initiatives, including the launch of the 21 Day Challenge. I hope each boy in Year 12 emerges from this period with improved habits and interpersonal skills.

Thank you to mentors who have continued to connect with the boys. Many have commented on the importance of just being able to have a chat with their peers and the mentors have facilitated this with empathy and creativity.

Mrs Goddard and myself hope to catch up with small groups of boys at lunchtime each day. The boys are encouraged to send us an email with a small group of friends and we will schedule a Zoom catch up – whilst this cannot replace the camaraderie felt during the lunchtime conversations in the WSA, it certainly has the potential to keep everyone connected. The boys’ wellbeing is vital so please make sure to touch base.

Enjoy the Term 1 break!


Duncan Stedman




Hello all. I hope everyone is safe and well. As Term 1 draws to a close, I feel very grateful for all the amazing boys in Year 12, their families, my colleagues and my own family and friends in these challenging times. You have all shown a wonderful example of resilience, courage and a bit of laughter over the last few weeks that will stay will me forever.

Mr James quoted "one brick at a time builds a wall". I think we all should be very proud of the way Year 12 have come together to look out for each other; whether it is by email, video call, Zoom meeting, or an old fashioned phone call. I know new friendships have formed and levels of respect for each other have grown.

Adam Barnes and the Prefects have put out a challenge to everyone for the upcoming holidays. It will start 4 April and run to the end of the holidays (21 Days). By committing to doing something every day for 3 weeks, research shows it’s a way of kick-starting something so that it becomes part of your daily routine and healthy habits. I have decided to take on the 21-day challenge and drink 2 litres of water every single day. I cant finish the term without acknowledging the wonderful leadership of Nick Reynolds, I have a link to Nick Reynolds's wonderful address in this weeks assembly. 

To all the boys that have celebrated a birthday whilst away from School, I would like to wish you all a very happy birthday and look forward to hearing all about it on our return.

Finally, I would like to wish everyone a wonderful Easter and Holiday break. Take time to reflect and embrace all you have accomplished this term. I know we will look back over this time and have a lot of great stories to share.

Take care



Robin Cherry 9119 0884



The boys appear well positioned to start their Study Break.  The persistence demonstrated by the Class of 2020 in this new learning environment has been impressive.

As a School, we get regular updates from NESA and their communications are publicly available. NESA work tirelessly to ensure no student is disadvantaged and they are adapting to challenges never experienced before with the HSC.  In their most recent update, they have cancelled group performance in Drama and the ensemble performance exam in Music Extension.  They have indicated more news will be forthcoming on major projects in Visual Arts, Design and Technology, Industrial Technology and Extension 2 English. We do understand the worry that boys who do these subjects have, and we will keep a close eye on possible announcements next week.  While waiting, all boys should heed the advice provided by their teachers and Heads of Department in each of these subjects on how to keep moving forward.

During next week, there will be a series of online lectures and workshops for Year 12. The boys will receive a Zoom link from the relevant faculty via their school email account. 


The second round of Knox Academic Indicator (KAI) interviews are scheduled to start in Week 2 next term.  These interviews will still go ahead; however, the mode of delivery will need to be through Zoom or over the phone and teachers will do these over a three week period.  We will provide more information about this in Week 1 next term.  Parent/Teacher Interviews through Zoom or over the phone will be finalised by Thursday next week.

In mentor time today we provided the boys with advice on planning their break.  We reinforced the importance of ongoing and consistent revision and study, formulated around a study plan.  A template to develop a plan is on the Portal.  We also encourage everyone to plan exercise time into their study schedule. We highly recommend the online exercise programs that have been made available by the KSAA on the year group Google Classroom. 

We wish everyone a Happy Easter.

Andrew Weeding and Greg Nunan


‘A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every challenge.’ – Winston Churchill

It is hard to know where to start when reflecting on this term. It has been a period of change and unrivalled success in so many ways. From the Year 11 students slotting seamlessly into the Senior Academy and taking on its rich and supportive culture to the Year 12 students continuing to set the standard for the School in terms of leadership and work ethic, the Senior Academy staff cannot be more proud of the boys’ efforts.

With a graded shift to fulltime online learning taking place over the course of the past three weeks, both students and staff alike have had an unprecedented opportunity to show their flex, agility and resourcefulness to adapt to the current situation. I have been truly humbled and inspired by the lead that the Prefect Executive has taken in creating opportunities for connection, humour and positivity through their videos and messages. Similarly, courage, integrity and compassion have been on full display, whether via Zoom, Google Hangouts Meet or face to face. Each and every member of the Knox community have put their faith in the School and have, thus far, been richly rewarded.

Throughout the upcoming holiday break, the Heads of Academy, Directors of Student Development and Team Leaders will be urging their boys to stay physically, emotionally, spiritually and academically fit and to continue to connect with their friends, family and peers. Mr David Schofield and his Psychology Team have been working with some student volunteers to create Wellbeing Support videos. These are great resources and have been shared with the boys. This series will continue next term.

Additionally, the Directors of Student Development have been working to create Brain Breaks, short challenges and activities for the boys to participate in to engage their creativity and to break up the time spent using technology. We have just launched the 21 Day Challenge which gives students the opportunity to show commitment and focus to learn a new skills/habit through the three week holiday break. They can then, with their families and friends if they want, capture this new skill on video and share it when they commence school again next term.

As the Headmaster has already said, every Knox boy has an incredible opportunity to now develop and tune vital skills in communication, organisation and planning that will undoubtedly set them up incredibly well for their future studies and careers. This is also a unique time for young men to work on their strengths and leadership skills and I would encourage any student that wants support in this space to contact me directly via email.

Academy and year group teams will continue to be on hand through this next three week break and look forward to continuing to support your sons.

Mr Sam White

Director of Student Development – Senior Academy & Head of Student Leadership


The wellbeing team continues to be available to students and parents next week and scheduled appointments are available for remote counselling. Please email or phone 9119 0828 should you wish to make an appointment or ask questions.

There are several great support resources that you or your sons can access online, should you require further support during the holidays. The following are links to some helpful sites:

ReachOut offers a free one-on-one support service for parents wanting extra support with their teenagers, that can be accessed online 

How to talk to your teenager about Coronavirus

Tips for coping with Coronavirus anxiety (including talking with children)

Maintaining mental health while in social isolation

For young people – coping with stress related to Covid-19

For young people struggling with anxiety:  

Emergency Contact Details: 

In an emergency: (In case of emergency or immediate danger) Triple Zero 000

Mental Health Access Line: 1800 011 511


Melinda Price 

Senior School Clinical Psychologist – Year 12

Friday 3 April

Term 1 concludes


Friday 10 April

Good Friday


Monday 13 April



Saturday 25 April



Tuesday 28  April

Term 2 Commences


Sunday 10 May

Mother's Day




Uniform Shop

The Uniform shop is closed until further notice. If you wish to order items online, this can be done via Flexischools and there will be an option to collect the orders. The dates for this will be advised on the Knox app in the next few days depending on the volume of orders.