YEAR 11 WEEK 3 TERM 2 2020

Year 11 Week 3 Term 2 2020

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It has been a unique, exciting and challenging Week 3 for all involved in the WSA as we welcomed the Class of 2021 to the school grounds for the first time this term.

Within a stretch of five days the boys have been engaging in online learning, completing assessment tasks, participating in Zoom based Parent-Teacher Interviews, and finally, setting foot back onto the recently rather vacant grounds of Knox. 

There was a definite buzz in the air as the first early arrivals started to appear across the tennis courts on a fresh Thursday morn, and this energy rose to fever pitch as this staggered approach transformed into a steady, yet appropriately social distanced, stream of well-presented Knox men. The enthusiastic greetings and interactions all appeared to have a very common theme, one of eagerness and acknowledgement that the Class of 2021 were indeed returning to a place of connectedness and one that they had clearly missed.

With the boys shifting to a Monday and Thursday attendance schedule for Weeks 4 and 5 it is important that all involved continue to stay abreast of all the changes and conditions that have been put in place to ensure the safe and successful reintegration of the student body to the Knox campus. It is important that we take a combined approach, both on the home front and here in the Year 11 Team, to best support the boys over the coming weeks as they move towards the challenges of working both on-site and remotely off-site. Many of the students have been outstanding in their approach to online learning and for this they are to be commended. We urge you all to continue to encourage your boys to continue in this vein as this will only benefit them moving forward towards a full return to school. Further, as the modified conditions and protocols at school are new to the boys, we would request that you stress to your son the importance of adhering to social-distancing protocols. Many of the boys have been very receptive and compliant to these protocols and we strive, with your assistance, to ensure that all involved respect and abide by these protocols as these are in place for the protection of the health and safety of the entire Knox community. 

Once again, Mr Shaw and myself would encourage a clear and open line of communication, so please feel free to contact your son’s teachers, mentor or Team Leaders if you have any questions or concerns about your son’s progress. Please use your son’s mentor as the first point of contact.

James Stubbs- Mills



It has been so exciting to have the Year 11 cohort back! The smiles and excited chatter on arrival to the campus yesterday was fantastic to see and hear. While there were some interesting hair cuts and hirsute faces on arrival on Thursday, it is pleasing to see they have taken the requests to follow the Knox standard seriously and arrived today looking every part a Knox boy. It is great to have the cohort back together again. 

Prior to the return of the boys, some Years 11 and 12 students along with Rev Tim Robinson and Rev Peter Robinson, produced the video, 'Rev it Up'. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Should your son not attend school on the days of face to face learning, can you please follow the usual process and either notify the School via the app or email me. 

While canteens remain closed and lockers not accessible, please ensure you have your recess and lunch, no boater is required for the moment, and that you only bring what you require for the day. 

I have included this week the Stage 6 IMA form as assessments take place. Please be aware of the main difference for Stage 6 IMA form which is a section that must be completed by a medical practitioner rather than having a medical certificate attached. I have also included a link for the Student Leave Application form should you be aware ahead of time when your son will be absent for an assessment task. Both forms can also be found on the Year 11 page of the portal, under the 'Academic' tab.

In conclusion, please let me reiterate how fantastic it has been to have Year 11 back and be able to ask to them in person how they are doing as well as catch up and hear about successes from their 21 day challenges. See you all again on Monday.

Debra Barnard Tel: 9119 0883



It was wonderful to see all the boys arrive back at school for face to face learning yesterday. They are to be commended on the way they have approached the online environment and ensured they have remained engaged in their learning during these difficult times.

The Year 11 teachers are currently undertaking their student-led Parent/Teacher Conferences via Zoom. We have been told by a number of our teachers how productive these interviews have been with the boys taking the initiative in the interviews. It is now over to the boys to take on board the feedback they have received and develop a plan for the coming weeks that will enable them to achieve their goals.

Semester 1 reports are due to be posted online Friday 5 June. Changes to the style and information provided in the report will be outlined over the next two weeks. 

Andrew Weeding and Greg Nunan

Co-Curricular Program, Weeks 4 -5


With the staggered return to school over Weeks 4 and 5 for all Year Groups, the co-curricular program has had to make further adjustments. Please download the PDF document here for all the information for students to continue to be involved in these important and beneficial programs.

For any questions or concerns regarding the co-curricular program offered in Term 2, please feel free to contact me via email.

Chuck Ardron

Knox Psychology Team presents ‘Optimal Parenting Webinar’


Parents are warmly invited to join the Knox Psychology Team for a live webinar.

When: Thursday 21 May 2020 from 7.30pm
Topic: 'What research tells us about raising successful children'

Presenters (Knox Psychologists):

Dr Rebecca Lazarus
Dr Laura-Kate Dassos
Ms Melinda Price
Mr David Schofield

We all want the best for our children in every way, including their academic performance, job prospects, social skills, character and health. Our parenting has been shown scientifically to influence the outcomes. So what works best?

This webinar presents the key findings about optimal parenting: from what hinders to what brings out the very best. A Q&A will be included.

To register, please click here. Enquiries - David Schofield (Head of School Psychology).

Please click here for the latest video in the Wellbeing Support series - Relationships with Parents

David Schofield

Sunday 17 May 

• ANZAC Day Service. Live stream from 8.30am


Monday 18 May 

• Year 11 on campus 

Tuesday 19 May 

• Pathways to Medicine webinar presentation by NIE. 6pm - 8pm. Registration essential.

Thursday 21 May 

• Year 11 on campus 

Monday 25 May 

• Year 11 on campus 

Thursday 28 May 

• Year 11 on campus  


ANZAC Service live stream

While our ANZAC Service and Parade scheduled for this Sunday 17 May 2020 has been cancelled, we will be sharing an online service via live stream on the day, which will feature an address by Dr Brendan Nelson AO, readings by members of the Cadet Unit, musical items and a performance of ‘Amazing Grace’ which has been compiled using recordings of pipers from the Knox Grammar School Pipes and Drums playing at their homes.

Cadets are encouraged to wear their cadet uniform while watching this important service on Sunday.

Please click here to view the Service which will commence at 8.30am. We look forward to sharing this important annual event with you online.


Friday 5 June - Change to normal teaching day

Friday 5 June will now be a standard teaching day for students in Years 7-12. A full schedule for the format of learning in Weeks 6 and beyond will be provided in the coming weeks.

The on-campus Parent Teacher Interviews scheduled for Friday 5 June has been cancelled due to COVID-19. Parent Teacher Interviews for Years 8-10 will take place via Zoom and telephone during Weeks 6-9. Further information about how to book appointments with your son’s teachers and participate in the meetings will be provided shortly.