YEAR 10 WEEK 9 TERM 2 2020

Year 10 Week 9 Term 2 2020

Hero Image

As we conclude a term unlike any other, I would like to commend the young men of the Middle Academy for the agility they demonstrated in adapting to the continually changing landscape of their learning environment. From starting the term online, moving to some days at school and some days off-site, then returning to school five days a week while adapting to new processes when arriving at school, regular hand sanitisation, changing locations of classrooms and restrictions on sporting and co-curricular pursuits, the boys have been supportive of each other and coped well with the changes. I have appreciated the cheerful greetings and smiles from so many boys as they went through the health screening process each morning. I am sure they are all ready for some rest and relaxation in the coming weeks.

Term 3 will resume on Monday 20 July. All students should be wearing full winter uniform, including their boater and blazer. If students have PDHPE or PASS practical lessons they should change into their PE uniform after they arrive at school. There will be updates to the timetable for the start of Term 3. Students should check their timetable on Student Café the weekend prior to school resuming and pay particular attention to the location of the classrooms for each of their lessons.

In Term 3 the Academy of Global Competency building will be open after school until 5.15 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. At the beginning of next term, students will be advised about the staff who will be available each afternoon to assist them with their studies.

I look forward to seeing the boys return rested, happy and healthy at the beginning of next term.

Elizabeth Ruff

There was certainly a collective sense of excitement and relief as we farewelled Term 2 today. Due to the COVID-19 interruption, it is fair to say that many of us have felt like this has been one long semester, rather than two normal terms of learning. This has been a tremendous six months and one where we have all been tested; forcing us to adapt, grow and show tremendous courage and resilience in the process. Whilst it has not always been easy, I am confident that the experiences of the last few months will shape the way we approach challenges in the future. I have been so proud of the boys and the courage they have shown to navigate the uncertainty of 2020.

I have always said that it takes a village to support the boys and help them achieve their personal best and this couldn’t be truer as we reflect on the past few months. Without the support of teachers, admin staff, sports coaches, mentors, parents and friends we would not have gotten through it as well as we have. We have all had to pivot and the flexibility and perseverance shown by the Year 10 'village' is so appreciated by all.

I would like to take a moment to thank all the Year 10 teaching staff who spent hours adjusting to the realm of online learning. They did this to ensure that there was not only educational continuity for the boys but also to ensure the boys felt connected to their peers and their school during a time of isolation. I would also like to thank all the Middle Academy team and our group of exceptional Mentors who have supported Margie Raymond and I when we have needed them - especially with our live stream Year Meeting ideas!

Last but certainly not least, I would like to thank the boys and the parents for your patience and support along the way. Your support is crucial, and I am confident that the partnership between us all is strong enough to weather any storm that may come our way. Thank you for your kindness and your trust.

I hope you all have the time to rejuvenate and relax these holidays, hopefully seeing family and potentially even getting out of Sydney to enjoy some of the great sights NSW has to offer!

I can’t wait to welcome all the boys back in Term 3, refreshed and ready to go with nice neat haircuts!

Have a wonderful, safe and restful three weeks! 

Vicky Cowell


We have a very important date to announce, get the calendars out! The Year 10 Formal has been confirmed for Wednesday 21 October - Term 4. Yay! (Please note that this event proceeding is contingent on government protocols around social gatherings).

Congratulations to Fredy Yip Ye who has been selected to join the Australian Mathematics Olympiad Team. Well done, Fredy.

The Uniform Shop will be open during the break on Thursday 16 July from 9.30am-5pm (closed 12.30pm-1pm), Friday 17 July from 9.30am-5pm (closed 12.30pm-1pm) and Monday 20 July from 8am-5pm. Please ensure your son has his winter sport uniform ahead of Term 3. All items are available online through Flexischools or in-store.

Food Drive - traditionally in the winter months, we do a food drive of daily staples for Sydney families who are struggling and living in very challenging conditions. This will continue into Week 3 of Term 3. The following non-perishable donations may be handed in to the SAOs or Mrs Clarke's office: long-life milk, cereal, coffee, tea, cans of meat, vegetables, fruit and/or soup, cup of soup, dried fruit. Note: no glass items, please.

Don't forget - Term 3 commences Monday 20 July for all students.

Enjoy a restful break.

Rebecca Smith

Year 11 2021 Subject Selection


Your son would have received an email yesterday outlining all necessary details regarding Year 11 2021 Subject Selection.

In this email there is information regarding their English (EPP) and Mathematics (MPP) placements.

If you would like to have your Preliminary Placements reviewed, please email a request to Mrs Gilly Jolly.

Important dates:

• Online selection of subjects Monday 27 July (Term 3 Week 2).

• Preference Receipt – This needs a parent signature and returned to Ms Smith by Friday 31 July. 

• The preference receipt will be generated when subjects are selected on this website.

Change of Preferences:

• Unlimited until 27 July then changes need to fit within the subject lines created.


If you or your son have any further questions during these final stages of selection, please do not hesitate to contact either the Head of Department, Mrs Linda Gomez (Director of Career Education & Development), Mr Weeding or Mr Nunan via email and they will endeavour to assist you.

Andrew Weeding & Greg Nunan (WSA Stage 6 Team)



Knox Leadership Conference 2020


The Academy Portfolio Leadership Team will be running the Knox Leadership Conference for 2020 on Sunday 19 July, the last day of the upcoming holiday break, from 1-4pm. The event will take place in the Wenkart Theatre and all current Prefects, PLT reps and Peer Support Leaders will be in attendance.

We are delighted to be able to announce that we will be livestreaming the event to all those other students in the Senior School, and also to student leaders from other local schools, that would like to watch the Conference and learn from the quite brilliant and diverse leaders that we have engaged for the day. Please click here to register. The livestream details will be sent out a few days prior to the event. 

We have the Chairman of the Knox Council and CEO of Goldman Sachs Australia and New Zealand, Mr Simon Rothery; media personality and former star Australian cricketer, Mr Michael Slater; prominent journalist and author, Mr David Leser and former recipient of The Queen’s Young Leader and NSW Young Volunteer of the Year Awards, Ms Emily Milton Smith presenting on the day. Our speakers cover Business, Sport, the Arts and Social Justice and will be able to provide incredible insight on their experiences as leaders. 

Please contact me if you have any questions about the Conference and I hope that as many Knox students and families as possible can tune in and enjoy and learn from these exceptional leaders.

Sam White





Monday 20 July

Term 3 commences

Friday 25 September

Term 3 concludes







School holiday sports training for Senior School
Following on from the Headmaster's announcements last week that CAS Winter Sport will start in Term 3, please note the training schedule for the coming holidays can now be found on the Knox app. We are mindful it is holiday time and a valuable time with family, however if your boy(s) are available we would love to give them the opportunity to best prepare for the winter season.

As always, if there are any questions regarding the schedule, please do not hesitate to email the Knox Sports and Aquatic Academy or directly with your son’s chosen sport.

The Knox Sports and Aquatic Academy will also have more information prior to the holidays regarding exactly how a day at each facility will look for players, staff and spectators on game day. This is being put together following government guidelines and the School policy regarding providing a COVID-19 safe environment for all.

Martin Haywood

Merit Awards

Early morning start for Pipes and Drums